13 08, 2017

Natural Relief for Meniere’s Disease Sufferers in Draper, UT


What is Meniere's Disease? Meniere's disease, a disorder of the inner ear, causes a set of symptoms that includes tinnitus (ringing in the ear), hearing loss that comes and goes, and severe vertigo.  Vertigo can disrupt almost every area of life, particularly tasks that involve movement.  This makes day-to-day tasks like going to the grocery [...]

Natural Relief for Meniere’s Disease Sufferers in Draper, UT2023-10-27T11:25:50+00:00
6 08, 2017

Neck Pain – Why Does It Happen and How to Find Relief


Approximately 15% of those in the USA – or 46 million Americans – suffer from neck pain, and it can be disabling for some. No matter how bad your neck pain is, it is important to seek the proper care for it as it should not be occurring. So, what causes it to happen? Conditions [...]

Neck Pain – Why Does It Happen and How to Find Relief2023-10-27T11:24:27+00:00
9 07, 2017

Finding a Natural Way to Relieve Neck Pain


Neck pain is very common. In fact, more than 25% of people are said to suffer from neck pain, and it ranks as the third most common chronic pain condition in the USA. One may wonder: Why does neck pain happen? What can be done to alleviate it? We will discuss the answer to both [...]

Finding a Natural Way to Relieve Neck Pain2023-10-27T11:29:34+00:00
2 07, 2017

Approaching Migraine Treatment Naturally in Draper, UT


Migraines are terrible.  Depending on their severity, they have the potential to ruin someone's day, week, or even month.  Approaches to migraine relief can generally be placed into two categories. Types of Migraine Relief On the spot relief care after the pain begins – these include medications such as painkillers and anti-nausea drugs.  More natural [...]

Approaching Migraine Treatment Naturally in Draper, UT2023-10-27T11:31:35+00:00
25 06, 2017

The Impact of Migraines – Beyond the Pain


Migraines can rob one of time spent with family and friends, limit recreational and social activities, and diminish quality of life. In America, 18% of women, 6% of men, and 10% of children experience migraines, while 12% of adults overall have at least occasional migraines. What are some common migraine symptoms? Nausea and possible vomiting [...]

The Impact of Migraines – Beyond the Pain2023-10-27T11:47:17+00:00
25 06, 2017

The Impact of Migraines – Beyond the Pain


Migraines can rob one of time spent with family and friends, limit recreational and social activities, and diminish quality of life. In America, 18% of women, 6% of men, and 10% of children experience migraines, while 12% of adults overall have at least occasional migraines. What are some common migraine symptoms? Nausea and possible vomiting [...]

The Impact of Migraines – Beyond the Pain2023-10-27T11:46:59+00:00
4 06, 2017

Case Study on Fibromyalgia Cervical Chiropractic Care


Finding answers to the pain of fibromyalgia can seem daunting. One woman was able to do so successfully, and we wanted to share her story of hope as presented in the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractor Research. A 45-year-old woman complained of the following: Migraines Back pain Neck pain Depression Numbness in her fingers Sciatica [...]

Case Study on Fibromyalgia Cervical Chiropractic Care2023-10-27T11:46:39+00:00
12 05, 2017

Finding Natural Relief for Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is well-known for pain throughout the entire body that is persistent and can last for long amounts of time. It is estimated that about 5 million people living in the US are deal with this condition on a daily basis. Fibromyalgia Symptoms Besides pain, fibromyalgia symptoms include: Irregular sleep patterns Cognitive problems referred to [...]

Finding Natural Relief for Fibromyalgia2023-10-27T11:40:48+00:00
16 04, 2017

Helping Vertigo Naturally in Draper, UT


Experiencing a vertigo attack can be scary.  Suddenly, everything in your surrounding environment seems to be whirling around you.  A vertigo attack might also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as headaches, vomiting or nausea, and ringing in the ears.  For some, an attack may only last for a few minutes, but others must endure [...]

Helping Vertigo Naturally in Draper, UT2023-10-27T11:50:03+00:00
29 03, 2017

3 Common Neck Pain Causing Habits in Draper, UT


Neck pain is extremely common and can occur anywhere throughout the neck, from the base of your skull to the area where the neck meets your upper back.  Severe neck pain can be associated with a myriad of other symptoms such as headaches, jaw pain, and shoulder problems. Habits That Bring Neck Pain Do you [...]

3 Common Neck Pain Causing Habits in Draper, UT2023-10-27T11:51:14+00:00
15 03, 2017

The New Way Draper, UT Residents Are Coping with Neck Pain


Text Neck: The #1 Cause of Neck Pain Today Neck pain seems to be more and more common in today’s busy world. One area that may be responsible for the increase in neck pain is that of mobile device usage. In fact, it is so commonplace that a special term, text neck, has been coined [...]

The New Way Draper, UT Residents Are Coping with Neck Pain2023-10-27T11:51:34+00:00
6 03, 2017

Draper, UT Residents Learning to Cope with Migraines


Migraines are becoming a huge health concern worldwide. As many as 46% of people cope with an active headache issue. This includes the 10-12% of those living with migraines in America. Migraines affect women more often than men and can cause one to be unable to perform regular daily activities. The Reality of Migraines Migraines [...]

Draper, UT Residents Learning to Cope with Migraines2023-10-27T11:51:56+00:00
19 02, 2017

Is It an Episodic or a Chronic Migraine?


Once someone has experienced a migraine, he understands just how disabling it can be. It not only affects his life but those around him such as friends, family, co-workers, and employers. Episodic Migraines vs Chronic Migraines Migraines are as unique as the person suffering from them, and there are many categories of migraine. Some of [...]

Is It an Episodic or a Chronic Migraine?2023-10-27T11:55:13+00:00
5 02, 2017

How Draper, Utah Residents Are Finding Help for Chronic Fatigue


Chronic fatigue syndrome is being called by a new name in the medical community— systematic exertion intolerance disease. It is believed that this is a more descriptive term for the condition, and a medical term means full acceptance of the syndrome by the medical community. What is the main symptom that chronic fatigue sufferers deal [...]

How Draper, Utah Residents Are Finding Help for Chronic Fatigue2023-10-27T12:22:37+00:00
15 01, 2017

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Finding Hope in Draper, Utah


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) can negatively affect a person’s life and happiness. However, according to new research, there may be an answer to the devastating fatigue that accompanies this condition. What other symptoms do CFS patients suffer from? CFS Symptoms Pain in the muscles Problems with concentration Memory issues General weakness The fatigue that is [...]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Finding Hope in Draper, Utah2023-10-27T12:23:10+00:00
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