Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Relief, Vertigo, Dizziness, Meniere’s , Meniere’s Disease Vertigo is a common health condition that becomes even more common as a person ages. It involves the sensation of movement when no movement is present or the incorrect perception of movement. Think back to when you were little and played Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Spinning blindfolded induces vertigo which makes it more difficult to walk straight to the target. It’s a fun game for kids, but not an experience you want to have as an adult.

After a person hits 40, this becomes an even more common problem. The risk of falling also increases with age. While that’s a pretty well-known fact, what is not often realized is that about one-third of elderly people in the US fall each year.


What Causes Vertigo?

While no specific genesis of the issue has been identified, vertigo often follows head trauma or whiplash. It is also a common occurrence for individuals who suffer from migraines. All of this shows the connection between the head and the neck.


Upper Cervical Results

One study involving 139 patients with vertigo as a symptom of Meniere’s disease saw astonishing results. It is important to note that all the patients in this study had begun to experience vertigo after a whiplash-type injury such as in a car accident or a slip and fall. 136 out of the 139 patients saw benefits from upper cervical chiropractic.

The group as a whole rated their vertigo severity on average at 8.5/10. After just two years of care, the average intensity for the entire group was down to 1.4/10. These outstanding results strongly support the idea that the vertigo these patients were experiencing was the result of a neck misalignment sustained from experiencing whiplash.

If you have suffered such an injury, even if it was a number of years in the past, upper cervical care may be able to provide you similar help. Schedule a consultation to learn how.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Cheney, call our Draper office at 385-331-7035. You can also click one of the buttons below.

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