Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, Always Tired, Tired, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS, Fibromyalgia Relief, Chronic Fatigue ReliefFibromyalgia can be an elusive disorder.  It is characterized by diffuse, achy pain that is widespread and may worsen with excess strain or fatigue.

Other Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

A variety of other symptoms can accompany the pain.  These include:

  • Difficulty concentrating, or a mental cloudiness sometimes referred to as “fibro-fog”
  • Extreme fatigue that is not relieved by an appropriate amount of rest
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Tension headaches or migraines
  • Numbness and/or tingling in the arms and legs

It’s difficult to know whether fibromyalgia is becoming more common because diagnosis is more reliable now than in the past or because an increasing number of people are being affected.  It’s likely that a combination of these factors could explain why fibromyalgia is on the rise, especially among women, who are 7 times more likely to have the condition.

Potential Causes of Fibromyalgia

Part of the reason why fibromyalgia has historically been misunderstood is the fact that researchers have not yet identified the exact cause of the disorder.  As with many conditions, it is likely that there are numerous factors that work together which lead to the manifestation of fibromyalgia symptoms.  Potential contributing factors include:

  • Stress– a severe emotional or physical event can trigger the onset of a fibromyalgia flare.
  • Infection – fibromyalgia symptoms may appear following certain illnesses.
  • Genetics – it is possible that certain genetic mutations can be passed down through generations that may make a person more susceptible to developing fibromyalgia.
  • Trauma or injury – a car or sports accident, or some other type of injury can be associated with the development of fibromyalgia
  • Pain processing disorder – the body’s central nervous system, made up of the brain and spinal cord, may have problems with how signals carrying information about pain stimuli are received and interpreted.

Understanding Fibromyalgia and Your Central Nervous System

Your body’s central nervous system, or CNS, is responsible for coordinating the actions of your body.  This includes voluntary things like moving your hands and feet, and involuntary processes such as digestion, cardiovascular function, and sensation.  These processes are made possible by way of your brain, spinal cord, and all of the nerves that branch off of it.  Signals are constantly being sent and received over this complex highway of nerves that govern every single thing we do.  In the case of fibromyalgia, this includes the way the body is able to process pain, and even the hormonal regulation that governs our sleep cycle.

Central sensitization is a disorder of the nervous system that is associated with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia.  A person’s threshold for what causes pain can be lowered, causing increased sensitivity to both pain as well as the sensation of touch.  This causes something that would not ordinarily be perceived as painful to be interpreted by the nervous system and brain as pain or discomfort.  In other words, for people with fibromyalgia, pain signals can be amplified.

Results-Driven Care for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

If you or a loved one suffer with fibromyalgia, chances are you’ve run the gamut of relief options.  Even though the understanding of the disorder is growing, it seems that the availability of long-term, sustainable, and safe relief options is slim.  With a condition that is considered chronic, many fibromyalgia patients have concerns about taking medications for months or even years that can ultimately have an adverse effect on other areas of their health.  Typical medications that are recommended for fibromyalgia sufferers include antidepressants and anticonvulsant medications, in addition to anti-inflammatories and painkillers.

Upper cervical chiropractic care is an option that is growing in its utilization for people with disorders stemming from the nervous system, such as fibromyalgia.  Upper cervical care focuses on an area of the central nervous system called the brainstem, which is a major influencer on how the rest of the CNS operates.  You can think of the brainstem like the master switch for the fuse box of your home.  If it is not functioning properly, the rest of the system doesn’t work well either.  Surrounding and protecting the brainstem are two vertebrae called the atlas (C1) and axis (C2).  

The atlas and the axis are among the most unique vertebrae in the entire spinal column.  Their completely different shapes are what allow for the broad range of motion of our heads.  Because of the atlas and axis and how they interact with the skull, we are able to look up and down, side to side, and tilt our heads from left to right.  Because these bones are so freely movable, they are also vulnerable to misaligning.  This can occur following some type of accident, trauma, injury, or wear and tear.  When these vertebrae misalign, it can cause irritation or pressure on the brainstem and surrounding nerves.  If left out of place for long enough, this can lead to the improper processing of pain signals, central sensitization, and other fibromyalgia symptoms.

In order to start down the road towards a lasting solution, it is necessary to correct the root cause of the problem.  If the brain and body are not communicating properly, then it only makes sense that a person will not feel or function well.  At Source Chiropractic and Wellness, we take the time to get to know each of our patients and how their health issues are impacting their lives.  Because no two bodies are alike, we are able to understand if and how an upper cervical misalignment is contributing to the development of fibromyalgia.  If an atlas misalignment is present, gentle adjustments are given only when needed in order to correct the misalignment and restore the capacity for normal brain-body communication.  It is this simple yet specific approach that has been helping many fibromyalgia sufferers finally find some much needed hope and relief.




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